
How to Repair a Noisy Faucet

Faucets that scream, whistle, or chatter when you turn them on can be irritating. They can also waste water and cause mold and health problems. Repairing a noisy faucet is usually a simple process of removing the handle and lubricating the parts.

faucet repair

Shut off the water supply and remove the faucet handles by unscrewing the screws that hold them (some screws are hidden, so have a screwdriver or hex wrench handy). Pull off handles to expose stems. For professional help, contact Plumbing Express, Inc. now!

If you’ve noticed water leaking from the faucet, it’s time to take action. This simple problem can quickly lead to flooding, water damage and mold if you leave it unattended. However, if the leak isn’t due to damaged pipes or fittings, you may be able to fix it yourself with a few basic tools. The first step is to turn off the water supply, either at the main valve in your home or the shut-off valve under the sink.

It’s also a good idea to cover the drain with something, such as a towel or an old T-shirt. Small parts can easily fall down the drain, and this can make your repair more difficult.

After turning off the water, dry up any standing water on top of the sink and remove the handle (or handles, if you have double-handled faucets). Next, loosen the Allen screw that holds the stem by turning it counterclockwise with an allen wrench. Once the screw is removed, you can access the stem nut and O-ring that hold the handle in place. Once you have the stem nut and O-ring off, replace the O-ring with one of the same size or buy a replacement at the hardware store. You should also replace the seat washer.

In disc cartridge faucets, the washer rests against the valve seat and wears over time, causing a leak. You can replace the washer or try cleaning out any water sediment that has corroded it.

The O-ring can also be responsible for leaks from the actual handles. This part can easily become loose or worn over time, so replacing it is a simple task that should resolve the leak. The O-ring ranges in size from 3/8 to 5/8 of an inch, so be sure to purchase the correct replacement. It’s also a good idea to coat the new O-ring in plumber’s grease, which will help it seal properly.

If you’re leaking from the end of the spout, you may be able to tighten the adjusting ring by turning it clockwise with the spanner tool included in your repair kit. Otherwise, you’ll need to replace the valve seats and springs.


Sometimes a squeak is caused by friction between the handle and valve stem, which can be easily fixed by applying lubricant. This will reduce the noise and prolong the life of these components. Before performing this fix, however, be sure to turn off your water supply.

Using a screwdriver or wrench, remove the set screw or fastener that holds the faucet handle in place. Once the handle is free, inspect the hardware beneath it for signs of wear or damage that may require further disassembly. A squealing sound may also be caused by a loose or worn-out washer that is not the proper size, which can be resolved by replacing it with a new one.

After cleaning the handle and valve cavity, apply a small amount of lubricant to the inside of the faucet. Be careful not to overdo it; too much lubricant can attract dust or dirt and lead to more problems down the line. Once the lubricant is applied, carefully reassemble the faucet and test it by moving the handle back and forth. If the squeaking persists, turn off your water supply and continue to troubleshoot the issue by turning the handle on and off while listening for other related sounds such as resistance or water leakage.

In some cases, a squeak is caused by a loose nut that connects the valve stem to the faucet body. A squeak may also be caused by a corroded or misaligned valve stem that rubs against the faucet threads every time the handle is turned on and off. In most instances, a squeaky tap can be silenced with a little bit of plumber’s grease.

In other instances, a squeak can be caused by the pipes expanding and scraping against their metal support brackets. If this is the case, the best solution is to replace the metal brackets with plastic ones, which will eliminate the squealing noise and prevent future issues.


A dripping faucet might seem like a minor nuisance, but it can actually cause a lot of damage to your home. Not only is it a source of water wastage, but if left unchecked, it can lead to massive water damage in your walls, flooring, and basement. It can also be a health hazard if it leads to the growth of mold and mildew. So, if you have a leaky faucet, it is crucial to call a plumber as soon as possible.

Faucets have more parts than you might think, and some of these parts wear out over time. For instance, a worn-out washer can create leaks in the base of your faucet or under the knobs and handles. Worn-out seals can also cause leaks.

Other causes of faucet problems include clogged aerators, mineral deposits, and loose spouts. You can usually fix these issues by removing the faucet, draining the sink, and cleaning the inside of the faucet. You can also use a vinegar solution to clean your valve seat, stem, and cartridge. However, if these simple fixes don’t work, it might be time to replace the faucet.

It’s important to remember that even the best-made faucets will need repair or replacement at some point. This is because all plumbing equipment eventually wears out and breaks down. It’s just a matter of when, and the longer you wait to get it fixed, the more expensive it will be in the long run.

Fortunately, plumbers are trained to troubleshoot and fix any problem with your faucet. We can also help you decide whether repairing or replacing it is the right option. Call us today and we will send one of our professional technicians to your house to diagnose the problem, repair it quickly, and guarantee our work. We can also offer you expert advice on your other plumbing issues. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let a faulty faucet keep you awake at night. Contact us now for quick, efficient, and affordable plumbing repairs. You won’t regret it!


One of the most obvious and common issues with faucets is a dripping or leaky fixture. This wastes water and can result in higher bills and even water damage to surrounding areas. The main culprit is usually a dislodged or torn washer, a silicon-based seal that can become stiff and corroded over time. A leaking faucet can also cause water to pool in the sink, which leads to mold and mildew.

You may also notice that your faucet is starting to squeak, which is often caused by worn-out threads on the stem. This means that the handle is moving around too freely and can cause it to hit against other parts of the faucet or the sink itself.

Another sign that your faucet is wearing out is the formation of mineral deposits, particularly on the outside or inside of the faucet. These can be hard to remove and will require a thorough cleaning with a solvent.

Landlords should take care of normal wear and tear, but they shouldn’t be responsible for damage that occurs after a tenant misuses something. For example, if a faucet stops shutting completely or a deadbolt doesn’t work after a tenant repeatedly uses it incorrectly, that’s not normal wear and tear and the landlord should pay for the repairs. This is also true for things that break due to normal ageing of the property, such as fading paint or worn carpets. By keeping an eye on the condition of their properties and taking prompt action when they need to, landlords can avoid major problems that could cost them a fortune. By doing so, they’ll save their tenants money and help them enjoy a comfortable living space. This is why it’s so important to regularly paint walls as they fade, replace carpeting that’s worn, and repair broken items like faucets.